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Journalist. Blogger. Entreprenuer.


noni marshall

Writing is what I do. Although I am  trained journalist and storyteller, blogging has become my new favorite form of expression and connecting to my audience. 

Check out my latest blogs outlining my thoughts on a variety of topics. 


Noni Marshall is a senior at Howard University studying Broadcast Journalism and Psychology. Noni created her own Youtube Channel, Brown Sugar Spice, and her own blog Her love for journalism has led her to dedicate her career to providing programming that highlights the humanity in all of us.

About Me

NewsVision is designed to give practical, hands on experience in reporting, writing, and producing for broadcast media and online. As a student, I explored—through lectures, guest speakers, and case studies—how ethics impact media professionals, and how governments work and impact communities and individuals. I pitched story ideas, reported, wrote, shot, produced and edited reporter packages and other multimedia stories in the Howard, and Washington, DC metropolitan communities as well as Capitol Hill and the White House. 


I am known for being a dynamic and enthusiastic team player whose leadership skills radiate and propel progress forward. I am a confident and effective communicator with a reputation of inspiring creativity in team members and fostering community among colleagues.

My Personal Blog

All work and no play? No way! I am the creator of, a blog that covers lifestyle, fashion, faith, and finances. Using my platform, I have been given opportunities to collaborate with brands, be a keynote speaker, and connect with audiences who share similar interests as my own. I also created my YouTube channel, Brown Sugar Spice, to create more content and reach more people in a new way. 


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